by angela adley
Just like YOU, Angela Adley grew up without her daddy. 

But as much as she missed him, she didn't let that stop her from making a discovery, a discovery she now wants to share with YOU!

And what did she discover? Just because you're a girl without a dad, doesn't mean you don't have a dad. What? That doesn't make any sense.  Is that what you're thinking? Yeah, Angela thought that too the first time someone told her that crazy idea. But it's true. Your daddy here on earth might not be around...but you have an even bigger daddy in heaven who loves you more than any dad or mom ever could. And that's what her book's all about.  

cpry. 2014, Angela Adley. All Rights Reserved. No portion of the content of this web site, including text and images, save for licensed images, may be used for any purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of the author. For inquiries:
growing up without my
Photo credit: Owens Photography
RENTON WOMAN Magazine features the author...